UPC provides specialised and dependable care and support services to all participants. We are an organisation with determination and passion served by a committed and devoted team of highly qualified staff who are dedicated to prioritising the participants. With these in place, all our participants will feel assured that they’re being supported by staff who have the specialised skills required to perform every task. We provide ongoing training to our staff to ensure that we deliver the very best of community and home care to the participants. We have the expertise, experience, and empathy to bring about real, lasting, positive change to the society.
We provide the following services:
UPC has registered and enrolled nurses with experience in community nursing, providing evidence- based, culturally sensitive and in-home nursing care. We also provide quality care and management for people requiring short-term care after a hospital stay or ongoing community nursing care supports. Our community nursing services include:
UPC provides supports to participants with psychosocial disabilities to help them live productive lives. We will help you to assume more control of your life and to better manage difficult matters of
everyday living. Through strong and respectful relationships and skilled coaching, participants will be supported to build capacity, including strengths and resilience. Our recovery coaches will work
collaboratively with participants, their families, carers and support networks to design, plan, implement and adjust a recovery plan.
UPC provides daily living supports that include personal activities and household tasks. Our team will support you with establishing your daily routines, in-home support requirements and preferences and partner you with support staff and nurses you will be able to relate to and trust in your daily life. UPC support workers will be available to help you with everyday activities, and at the same time helping you to build your skills of daily living.
Daily Living Activities supports might include:
-grocery shopping in person and on online
-using public transport
-Support with mobility, both at home and in the community
Supported Independent Living (SIL) is an NDIS support where you can live with other people with a disability or on your own in a comfortable and secure home. UPC offers a range of NDIS accommodation services for participants who require assistance and/or supervision to manage their daily tasks and goals. The purpose of this service is to support the participant in building their skills to live independently in all life domains, with greater emphasis on the following tasks.
UPC will provide support to make it easier for participants to access a wide range of community activities and break down the barriers between people living with a disability and the community at large. Social participation and social support are strongly connected to good health and well-being throughout life. By participating in leisure, social, cultural, and spiritual activities, people can maintain or establish supportive and caring relationships. Community participation helps to improve your physical and mental health and reduces loneliness which can lead to depression.
Community, social or recreational activities might include:
UPC can assist you to find suitable accommodation to live more independently. Our team will ensure that support is provided to guide, prompt, or undertake activities to make certain the individual obtains and/or retains appropriate accommodation.
Our supports may also include:
We will help you get back on your feet
We hold the belief that wherever possible, every person deserves the chance to live in a home and in a community, with access to life’s opportunities. For people with limited access due to challenging behaviours, we will provide the right support. The focus is on identifying potential triggers for challenging behaviour and prevention, while building communication skills and working with individuals to find other ways to manage their feelings and ease their distress.
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